Faith In Realty Donation to Michigan Parkinson's

Celebrating Donation to Michigan Parkinson’s Foundation

Chestnut Charlie Chestnut Blog , Faith In Realty Leave a Comment

Victoria J Nulty & Chestnut Real Estate Home Sold August 3, 2017

Congratulations to our client’s The Hannah’s. Steve Gronow & Victoria Nulty listed their home after they committed to the purchase of their new Chestnut condo in Hartland Twp’s Fiddler Grove. Fiddler Grove Condo “Client’s become friends throughout the process, for this we are very grateful”.

The Hannah’s requested that our Faith In Realty® donation go towards The Michigan Parkinson’s Foundation.  We were very honored to make a donation in the amount of $524.68 on their behalf.  faith in realty logo


MPF Logo

Over the years, the Michigan Parkinson Foundation has attempted to keep pace with the needs of people with Parkinson’s, their families and health professionals. Through a strategic planning process, the following have been developed as guiding principles:

Our Mission:

  • To educate and provide support to people with Parkinson’s and related disorders, their loved ones and care partners, and the physicians and other allied health professionals who diagnose and treat those affected by the illness.
  • To support research into the mechanisms underlying the disease and therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the burden of illness.
  • To engage and enlist the support of institutions and individuals whose activities impact the needs of people with Parkinson’s and related disorders.

Our Vision:

MPF will be the premier education and support organization in Michigan for people with PD, their care partners, and the physicians and allied health professionals that diagnose and treat PD patients.


List or Buy a home with Victoria Nulty and Steve Gronow of Chestnut Real Estate and a large portion of their commission is donated to the Local Non-Profit of YOUR choice.

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About the Author

Chestnut Charlie